Event series in 5 blocks March to November 2011 – every Wednesday

Exhibition period 2011
FRISE with Ursula Panhans-Bühler: RAPID RABBIT - Accelerated pictorial world

Block 1:
rabbit & hedgehog
{aspects of attachment to places and detachment from places}
March 2 to April 9
more information in German
Block 2:
Snail & Lion
{new forms via dynamics of the net}
April 13 to May 22
more information in German
Block 3:
Mouse & Elephant
{Archive, timeless coexistence in the net; forget?}
May 25 to July 3
more information in German

Extra Event:
on Saturday, June 18 at 7 pm
Block 4:
Pigs & Outer Space
{Simulations; reality questions,war}
September 7 to October 16
more information in German
Block 5:
Master & Chicken
{modified idea of being human?}
October 19 to November 27
more information in German

FROP 2011
FRISE Shop at the year’s end
Saturday, November 26 from 6 to 9 pm
Sunday, November 27 from 2 to 9 pm