30. April 2013, 16 bis 20 Uhr
Chinesische Landschafts-Tintenmalerei

Deeply in Garden
庭 院 深 深
Qiu Shuman, Künstlerin aus Shenzhen, V.R. China

Präsentation der Arbeiten auf traditionelle Art, in privater Atmosphäre bei grünem Tee.

Ort: FRISE – Gastatelier
(Eingang in der Toreinfahrt links)

Qiu Shuman

“Deeply in Garden”

Die Künstlerin Qiu Shuman arbeitet in der Tradition der chinesischen Landschafts-Tintenmalerei.
Seit der Song Dynastie, also seit über 1000 Jahren, arbeiten Künstler in dieser besonderen Sprache der Landschaftsdarstellung.

“It is related to the traditional oriental attitude of respect for and cooperation with nature. ‘Learn from nature’ and ‘search all the special mountains to draft for painting’ (Meister Shi Tao – Qing Dynasty), Chinese artists claimed that painting from nature was very necessary for arts. Feature the object to multi-point perspective observation way, as we always can see from handscroll, it just liked to tell you a story or take you to travel somewhere you would like to visit and stay.
Landscapists transformed their literary, petic and philosophy of feelings towards cloud, water, trees and rocks etc, into a pictorial language produced growing images of landscape. Through evoking a mood of ideal atmoshere, indicating the appeal of the painter’s spiritual homeland …” (Qiu Shuman)